Alliance Leichtman-Levine Environmental Science High School

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Economics (Period 5)

Course Description

This course will be an introduction to microeconomics (behavioral economics), including WHY people make the choices they do and the effects of these choices (or non-choices) on our health, environment, and economy. In addition, we will delve into macroeconomic themes, including economic systems (command vs. free-market economies), how prices are set, how public policies impact the overall health of the economy (including employment levels, GDP, etc.), and personal budgeting, savings, and finance. This semester will be divided into four units, each with themes and major assessments.

Some questions to consider: If you were paid to get good grades, would you? Why do some students choose to watch TV instead of do homework, even if passing their economics class depended on studying? Should all drugs be legal? At what point should the government intervene in the economy and our choices...or should we be free to make every economic choice, for better or worse? How do public policies (ex: a tax on trash or a pathway to citizenship) impact the economy? How can you plan and budget to afford the lifestyle/college, you want? These questions and more will be explored throughout the various units.

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